My mission is to improve the quality of life for patients with some of the most severe deformities including knee hyperextension, knee flexion contractures, genu varum, genu valgum, plantarflexion contractures, foot deformities and tibial torsion.
I feel it is important to share my innovative technique called the Rotation Realignment System® with other professionals who treat patients with a lateral thrust gait so they can help their patients improve the quality of their lives. I feel the patient will gain confidence as a result of the success of a well fitting and functioning brace. This will improve their ability to perform activities of daily living by providing more stability, maintaining a more natural alignment, and decrease or eliminate their pain, which may result in achievement of improved physical capabilities.
Please contact me for more information about our innovative technique and to discuss ways we can work together to help your patients. I'm available for consultation and patient evaluation by appointment at your facility or mine, and I am also available to instruct you and your staff in my patented bracing method.
William “Bill” Stuart, CPO
(562) 235-2782
1466 Redondo Avenue
Long Beach, CA. 90804